

Secure & Manage Exams

TomaSafe is a complete solution for securing, managing and controlling exams. The system ensures that only authorized users can access exams, enables real-time exam status visibility, streamline exams workflow, and sends alerts regarding exam submission deadline.

How TomaSafe Can Help YOU!

Combined Shape


Enjoy Complete Exam Security

Perform All Workflow Processes on Single Platform

Communicate Directly with Administration Online

Search and Access Exams, Reports, and Statistics


Universities & Colleges

Secure Exams, Prevent Unauthorized Access

Manage and Monitor Status of All Exams on Single Platform

Use Advanced Search Options for Reports and Statistics

Save Time and Costs by Eliminating Reminder Calls to Faculty

Getting Started is SO Simple


Encrypt and secure high-stakes exams


Use dashboard to manage exam processes and create guidelines and alerts


Enjoy automated workflow and standardized structures

What Happy Instructor Are Saying

Mr. Shai Cohen

CTO, Ashkelon Academic College

From day one we received positive feedback’s from TomaGrade’s users. Instructors enjoy using the system and the innovative tools offered in it.

Mr. Muli Zafrir

CDO/CIO, Haifa University

The system meets our strict security, confidentiality and data privacy standards. Including non-disclosure of data and exams to 3rd parties including Tomax’s employees.

Mr. Arye Arzi

VP Students, Bar-Ilan University

TomaGrade is fully adapted to the university’s needs. We like the innovation that TomaGrade brings to our institution.