Registration, billing, and information for examineesExaminees will register, pay, and will be assigned for an exam, all using secure modules.
From home or from your institutionWith our extensive experience in conducting online exams with multiple examinees, we have the expertise and technology to ensure a smooth and secure exam experience.
Operation and supervision on exam dayWe will manage the event and provide real-time technical support. In addition, we will identify attempts to copy and compromise the exam integrity using our artificial intelligence technology.
Statistics and reportsAfter the exam, we will automatically check the closed questions and open-ended questions can be checked using our advanced online grading system. Additionally, we will provide comprehensive exam reports, including detailed statistics and a reliability report.
Registration, billing, and information for examineesExaminees will register, pay, and will be assigned for an exam, all using secure modules.
From home or from your institutionWith our extensive experience in conducting online exams with multiple examinees, we have the expertise and technology to ensure a smooth and secure exam experience.
Operation and supervision on exam dayWe will manage the event and provide real-time technical support. In addition, we will identify attempts to copy and compromise the exam integrity using our artificial intelligence technology.
Statistics and reportsAfter the exam, we will automatically check the closed questions and open-ended questions can be checked using our advanced online grading system. Additionally, we will provide comprehensive exam reports, including detailed statistics and a reliability report.