

Spend more time on teaching and giving better feedback, so that students can achieve their best results.

We integrate with any Learning Management System of your choice

Using a different LMS?
Talk to us

How it works


Upload assignments
Upload assignments in your own platform (LMS or any other grading software)


Give empowering feedback
Use TomaGrade’s advanced grading and collaborating tools to give rich and enhancing feedback efficiently.


Automatically send results
Graded exams are automatically sent to student portal and grades to administration

Enhance your LMS assignment abilities

Grade anytime, from anywhere

Mark assignments 40% faster

Maintain consistent and fair evaluation

Some of TomaGrade’s great features

Collaborative grading tools allow assignment sharing among instructors

Innovative review and scoring tools enable both numerical scores & comments

Real-time statistics help to improve questions and assignment quality

Alerts and reminders manage and supervise tasks with automatic alerts for every role

Rapid organizational implementation to sav e on time and labor
Intuitive dashboard enables the monitoring and control of the entire grading process
Audio feedback options to add a personal voice and reduce typing time
Comment bank enables the sharing and re-use of past comments

Try Tomax’s assessment solutions with a 30 day free trial

What instructors are saying

Mr. Shai Cohen

CTO, Ashkelon Academic College

“From day one we received positive feedbacks from TomaGrade’s users. Instructors enjoy using the system and the innovative tools offered in it.

In addition, instructors are happy that they do not have to spend time transporting exams.”

Mr. Muli Zafrir

Dean of tel aviv university

“With TomaGrade I don’t need to adjust my life to the exams period. I can use the system from anywhere, it makes everything easier”

Mr. Arye Arzi

VP Students, Bar-Ilan University

TomaGrade is fully adapted to the university’s needs. We like the innovation that TomaGrade brings to our institution.
