

An online exam plugin for proctoring easily and securely. Spend more time on teaching and giving better feedback, so that students can achieve their best results.

We integrate with any Learning Management System of your choice

Using a different LMS?
Talk to us

How it works


Before the exam
Create and schedule the exam in your own platform (LMS or any other testing software)


During the exam
Students log in to the platform, while invigilators and instructors use TomaEtest monitor to manage the exam


After the exam
Invigilators/Instructors use TomaEtest integrity reports to maintain the exam integrity

Enhance your LMS testing abilities

Efficiently ensure exam integrity

Improve students’ exam experience

Increase staff satisfaction

Some of TomaEtest’s great features

Smart computer lock during the exam prevents students from using unauthorized applications
Safe student identity verification allows to identify students before or during an exam
AI-based video & audio recording detect when there is any suspicion of deception
Integrity reports provide detailed data which can be filtered according to your needs
Screen recording ensures no misconduct has occurred
Simple and friendly to use both for invigilators, instructors, and students
Advanced messaging during the exam safely provides students, lecturers, and invigilators the option to communicate

Try Tomax’s assessment solutions with a 30 day free trial

What instructors are saying

Dr. Karen Choen

Dean of tel aviv university

“I’ve been teaching online courses from abroad, because of the scanning, checking the exams was so easy and convenient, and the main plus was that the students didn’t have to pay the price because I was at the other end of the world”

Dr. Sarah Nisim

RN PhD, School Manager, Wolfson

“The use of this service optimizes and shortens the processes related to exams in our school, promotes fairness and improves our ability to create objective exams.”

Mr. Muli Zafrir

CDO/CIO, Haifa University

“The system meets our strict security, confidentiality and data privacy standards. Including non-disclosure of data and exams to 3rd parties including Tomax’s employees.
Tomax are our university’s strategic partner in the task of continuous improvement of exams and assignments processes.”
